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Thursday, 12 May 2016

Human vs croaches

Today I woke up with a weird feeling.
My stomach is so pain and hurt, feel my liver is destroyed.

Before I woke up, I dreamed humans vs croaches
It is mainly about human purify croaches into good ones.

There are 3 types of purify the croaches:
1. Unknown
2. Electronic destroy croaches?
3. New virus to control croaches

But, I investeigated that croaches purify all those things
However, the basic form cannot be changed what.peple dunno

At the end, I dunno what it is stand for....
But I want to share this for no reason...

Friday, 6 May 2016

Back to the past plz

I want my past....

so many if....
but current situation I know is the worse.....
I want to die.... and restart my life...
I dunno wat I fighting for...
and even do wat...

Assignments are important...
but not....

this life so tough...

Long time no see

osu with friends....
Bessie in my summer holiday around Feb....
LOL play in recent..... Buff sona plz
I play adc often now, miss fortune and Caitlyn

The study are quite ridiculous now...
I can''t even do these assignment probably....
8 hours a day non stop that is ridiculous ,
much worse than last year......
I hate this school

Like to watch some love type of anime....
This season is April...
many anime are good to watch

Overall, focus my assignment ba....
OMG my life...