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Wednesday, 18 April 2018

Crusaders quest fight forever

It is very glad to hear some good news....
My game: Crusaders Quest

This game I played over 3 years....
Can say I am one of the original player in CQ

Dunno why I click an ad,
Crusaders Quest.....
Maybe is one of the mobile game change my life....
Formally say is my first mobile game.....(exclude Cat Battle)

When the game just start.....
it only have 36 characters over 4 stars??
Now.... 250?
Also, it just open 4 stages......
These implement and unique play style make me non-stop
playing 5 hours.....
3 days I think.....
I finish the game.....
And did not touch a while.....

Until... they start to release some new features and heroes......
I cant catch up...
due to time and anxiety....
Fall behind thousand meter away...

Knots way - Hanatan
Is a great song.....
I enjoy a lot....
The first OP for CQ story...
Sometimes I heard the melody part felt I back to Bankstown...
That memory quite memorable for me...

Second is the flame of Ash.....
.......? Trails?
This one is a quite interesting story
Talk about CQ character and the champion secret story...
Sherie sings, great music.....
May need to adopt that style
Is a expand story series....

Last one:
Just release 2 days ago....
Avenir -Hanatan again....
The newest episode story boss girl death....
Kind of a sad story....

Tuesday, 17 April 2018

Days always not fair

Today or maybe a few hours ago....
YS VIII release

People may not notice a minor thing....
NIS America said they release 16 April....
But in steam it says in 17 April...

But these things are not the matter....
Delays and bugs everywhere....
If we config some settings...
we can play the game smoothly....

I am so boring and review some of the reviews of this game....
some of them resolve their problem themself,
but most of them didnt.... cuz mainly...
the game responsiblity....

This also applies in some companies run business over many years....
I am not saying all, but there are some really blow your mind up...
Like a company do not want to hire people.....
The company of its staff and directors age are pretty old....
They have a set of route what they do....
Some simple things we learnt in Uni, (IT programming)
They ignore and tell the idiots...
That is justice....

Cannot accept the attitude.....
No power... No game

City of forever 7 days

Is a game from China....
Mix Jap music and gameplay...
Intend to play this game on mobile....
This game always rest after a week...
like you make the story.....
kind of.....
I wonder if the world reset is a good thing or bad....?
Die, revive....
Evolution, stay.....
Hard question....
Let's see the update in the future....

The third thing I want to say....
is ....
kind of weird....
Some kind of feeling is not too right...
The blood go through my heart can sense it...
Sure or not is it normal....
Lack of rest, maybe is a problem..

Manga always is a thing....
Noob always is a good sign..
represents our life need to be....
Because noob is freedom and relax...
In our busy world....
If we transfer to a fantasy world....
be a noob....
What a life....

Pre-order Fatal Bullet purchase gift....
in Steam...
I am currently playing this....
Fine to me....
It have the same problem with YS VIII
I searched the problem...
Games need to research, not get a bug/ avoid a bug....

Trails of Cold Steel
Image result for Trails of cold steel
I played 88+ hrs...
This game is the longest game I play in my life....
Online game not count.....
Tree of savior 128 hours..
It is quite exhaust to play a full game...
Not saying.... boring...
is just life too short...

You done... - Crow Armbust

Yes... I am done...