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Sunday 3 April 2022

Weird dream in my sleep

Today.... I had a dream during my sleep...
Is a weird Job interview.....
Well.... At the end is a good result.....
Is in a small office....
A big closed glass room... with a manager grade person interview me....
His name is Brian....

He interviews me.....
I think my performance is good...
And then....
The office I see Hurst Boys Music teacher...
I talk to her as well....
With that relationship....
weird as hell....
Later with their conversation....
They are whispering and say I am not qualified....
At that moment....
I had the faith.... to accept the truth.... 
But they decide to let me in.....

The other day....
I also invited to go to the office....
They want me to sign contract and work... etc....
The other manager grade person....
Look at my resume.... 
He is quite..... not happy with my CV...
and ask me to leave....
They promised me to give me the position...
That manager just let it go.....

I do not remember the whole thing...
but my mom is there ..... don't know why
Arguing my status and the position....
Well..... That is the dream......

Two mosquitoes my House

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