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Friday, 30 January 2015

puppy fight

28 go to my friends home.....
go to 2 home.... in different suburb....

So, in that day,
I play with his dog....
the dog makes me hurt....
such as that thing...

the dog movement haha.....
always bite me.....

His family will angry the dog when he make shit in their home...
in that day....
we saw a shit in a floor while we play  after in his room...
the main reason is we play games in his room, so the dog like to do what he does...
I dont know why the dog is stomachache....


So, yep, gonna watch want to tell u

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

J-POP timing - 3 songs...

sad of joseph...
his girlfriend.... but broke up ~.~

Long time no introduce any J-pop...
I didnt listen much now....
maybe anime OPED....
But not a lot...


AAA if karoke have this song... I will sing this...
the last one in AAA I remember is 恋音と雨空.....
These two types are similar....
just like loving.....

Next one is

三代目 J Soul Brothers from EXILE TRIBE

I dont know why they add EXILE TRIBE....
I think EXILE their popularity is decreasing....
This song is one of the CM of Samantha
This song looks average....
But if u like them... may like to listen over time...

Last one...
Candy Cotton Candy...
t suppose to be introduce in Christmas...
but whatever...


This song I think is the most favourite song in 2014....

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

My private notes January- ver. White Album

Finish this semester ~.~
many many things happen all the day....

Watch 1 new fan anime ~.~

shiroi yuki no machi 0.0
I dun want to be him, because he kiss another person in front his girlfriend.
Most of the people cant do this, I think.....

I clear all my data in my old laptop o.o
and the wireless cant use....
orz.... I tried and install some devices....
yep.... just connect on that day...
after day.....
cant connect ~.~
Want to play osu lel....

Many friends are away,
osu is not playing....
and my new laptop is play lol ~.~
find new friends???????

My girlfriend????

of course.... this is not my girlfriend.... and it wouldnt happen to me...
In my lol status is write I love UrbanJr....
Vote yes is girlfriend, vote no is no....
11 Jan unfriend me..... 26 Jan become friend....

lol gaming.....
so boring.....
play ARAM or AI....
AI can meet a friend....
xReex ~.~
hurt my back PvP, NemoBemo
all are girls....

I thought only 10% of them is girl....
so rare....

spin spin spin spin around~~~~

full stop ~.~

Monday, 5 January 2015

Using Powtoon to meet girls

as title...
Powtoon is a good way to make girlfriends?
I wanna try try....

Maybe somehow...
can make someone happy.....

Other thing is....
I watched some anime in my summer holidays...
because I need to go to summer school...
so it is a little period of holiday

WA 2, Inou, Playground, Akame, and today Outer Company...
All GG....

UrbanJr in lol....
Less time to chat with her~~