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Sunday, 12 June 2016

Say Goodbye EXILE....

EXILE no longer produce new song due to members and members

Hiro, the leader of EXILE, quit
then, Makidai, USA and last ATSUSHI...

These members perform a long time since 2003?

My favourite and memorable song is Pure....
When I watch the CM so much feeling at that time....
I can say that 2008 is EXILE year, but after 2014 is.....
Whatever.... Hope EXILE have a new life

Somehow, EXILE changes my life...
Starting on 2004.....
2004 release an anime called "Black Jack"
I really like it, and called him BJ...
Year 7 is my innocent mind of the year....
New foul language learned and some behind sex terms...
At that moment, I do not no what BJ mean is...
Just an anime.....
But, I don't know..
the teacher knows, student knows...
At the end, all student just bully me....

These 2 years make me so bad, and lots of injuries...
And my life is so strange and unsteady behaviour...
The school social worker/ counsel thought I am a strange person....
Talk with them... but also hide...
I dun have a real friend in these two years...
Only at the beginning... but not forever...

2008, EXILE release 3 big albums...
My favourite is Ballad....
When I see the CM from Meiji
That atmosphere and feelings tell me I need to join and support them...
I remember the style.. voice.... is EXILE
That CM change my hobbies = J-pop > anime > touhou/Vocaloid
Actually, J-pop is my first hobby, Anime is in 2011, some osu songs in 2012

I research many J-pops music weekly and excited to heard from it...
Buying CDs EXILE turn to my biggest want and dream until move to Australia

EXILE Change my life, Thank you

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