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Tuesday 5 March 2019

Monthly Report of my life

Project Tokyo Dolls

My Waifu Shiori
Play Project Tokyo Dolls more often
Because too lonely....
And also some collab on Tales of the rays make me to play

Shiori voice, I love very much... but the real person is average....
Dunno how they act that voice....

The NEET manga....
ニー子まとめ その4/アルデヒド@ニー子商業連載中!

NEET: Not in Education, Employment, or Training

Hell..... :(

Pokemon Revolution Online
Catch: Froakie... fail

weak as hell

League of Legends
Play with BrutonnWarrah, AI 
ey boss

My health....

Shiori power.... Help me~~~~~~

Next Saturday will go Madman Anime Festival...
Hope can meet some friends.....
Too sad....

All is over... this year... and hope my best....

Hate myself... 

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