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Saturday 8 February 2020

Not sure..... is that a virus


I never leave Australia, travel..... anything...

study auditing this semester....
We have a break on new year and Australia Day...

Every news are saying coronavirus

Our class, one student from China.....
Not sure she traveled China in these period...

At 3rd Feb, our last class before exam....
She cam up.....
Even she sat opposite table....
but she sat very near to me....
If she affected... I am in danger...

Around Thursday night - Friday morning 12am....
I felt something is not wrong to my body....
I thought
just tired..... or something....
something weird on feelings..... (like heart break <-- sad feeling)

7th Feb, study group with classmate
One of the classmate said he traveled China..... (Not confirmed...)
I am not sure they are saying a joke or something....
But he cough in our study 11-1 pm

I went back home before 3pm...
and play Ring Fit adventure.....
Made me feel better?
and Hyper...
After exercise my body feel so good...

8th Feb....
I think nothing special in morning...
But at night....
felt a bit hot.... and feel like i am mastering something....
I got 37.0 after dinner....
And 40 mins later 37.3...

Not sure  I am in danger...
Lucky me....

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