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Tuesday, 26 July 2022

sad day

Money ...
Low pay
Minus pay
Overtime no pays
Fucking life.....

And useless deeeeeeee

Cause all the problems

Sunday, 17 April 2022

Black Luck Charm


Always... always... what if....
Not always happens on me tho....

But one thing I know is... or maybe...
If the thing I think is not possible... always happen....

Like during my university studies...
I think... is not happen if I failed all units....
And then... welll
It happens....

In recent.... kind of want to have this one...
Imagine be there....
Well.... not happen....
So troll events... like mass....
And see that quality....

God hates me....

Yea.... the black luck charm
same as the RWBY Crow....
If you believe so.... it happens....

Like my bro...
Always cursed me
It should have it....

And result....


Sunday, 3 April 2022

Weird dream in my sleep

Today.... I had a dream during my sleep...
Is a weird Job interview.....
Well.... At the end is a good result.....
Is in a small office....
A big closed glass room... with a manager grade person interview me....
His name is Brian....

He interviews me.....
I think my performance is good...
And then....
The office I see Hurst Boys Music teacher...
I talk to her as well....
With that relationship....
weird as hell....
Later with their conversation....
They are whispering and say I am not qualified....
At that moment....
I had the faith.... to accept the truth.... 
But they decide to let me in.....

The other day....
I also invited to go to the office....
They want me to sign contract and work... etc....
The other manager grade person....
Look at my resume.... 
He is quite..... not happy with my CV...
and ask me to leave....
They promised me to give me the position...
That manager just let it go.....

I do not remember the whole thing...
but my mom is there ..... don't know why
Arguing my status and the position....
Well..... That is the dream......

Two mosquitoes my House

Saturday, 19 March 2022

inter view bom bomb

Starting last week KKDC a huge flooding and a sad

Monday have koala.... But they are so troll....
I am well prepared but suck qualifications...
Today Sydenham....
Better be quick and shot....

I kind of regret....
Expensive staff usually better...
I kind of consider to go or not...
Finally I go it ....
But.... Is not really bad... Kind of lucky I guess..

Conversation I hate it....
Hmm jobs...
I kind of thinking.... 
My parents may argue that
But I still manage to do it...

I did think....
I may go there...
But the result is good ..
And I hope the thing is done....

*Only me knows the truth*

Friday, 11 March 2022

Feb and March questionable report


Invited, and  invited...... a college.....
A Tie.....
PHONE calls....

wat the hell....




Saturday, 29 January 2022

Interviews in January

Yesterday and day before, kind of interesting..... and work busy... then usual...

I need to do some interviews....
I talk the last one first....
is a supermarket business....
the task is to update the price and checking invoices.
I had my first "office work" trials....
I learn a lot of things....
But..... at the end.....
Am I stubborn, or not absorb enough......
Just get a few things at the end.....
The symbol up and down is meaningless....
The real price is need to calculate..... x GST *1.1
(Product *1.1 = the amount) / divide the no. of products (Each carton purchase)...
to calculate each product price....
after that.....
multiply the operating cost....
Storage is 1.4, Japs 1.5 and Fridge 1.6....
The manager/owner also teach me discounts....
But,  I feel like I still do not get it....
But... something like new product add to the system....
That process is fine....
My performance.... or my memory is poor....
I am kind of thinking.... my performance is ..... poor...
I mean I understand if he not hire me....

The other interview is optus...
in clean local area....
same day as the super interview...
I prefer the super more.... cause I can learn more....
But if optus is fine...
I will do it....
Still can learn right?
The most interesting question in the interview... is...
ask me 99x99 = ?
I mean..... hmm
I am not good at maths....
I cant do that by memory....
I talk to the manager, can i right it down?
Yea.... Right it down and correct.....
Also, they ask me to sell your phone to the customer... what you do?

I discussed with my parents...
99x99 =..... 
Even my old brother cannot answer straight away....
used 2mins... and said the formula..... 
I mean... my memory is shit....
The formula... make me worst....
Yeah... I know the formula....
I say 'May i write it down' to them..
My mom said is good..
Cause I am not saying I dunno.... instead trying to get the answer right...

What an experience of these two...


Sunday, 23 January 2022


This year luck.
This is China version....
My luck suck as hell....
No hope and the last place....

This is global version...
It says Overcome all difficulties...
I mean.... If you are strong...
If not.... Still a loser....

this is second version...
I think the words are quite present me rn...
Needs to change...
Yeah.... I think I am doing...
No games....

Monday, 10 January 2022

NEW YEAR may do list (May update in the future)


To do List:
- Get a fricking job
- Chat with Jessica
- Meet new friends
- Meet new girls (At least female friends)
- Play less games
- Go to SMASH and expo (S)
- Get a new phone
- Be rich and daydreaming come true
- Hope everything is fine
- Hope no bad influence to me....
- no unfairness, if yes..... kill myself
- Watch movies
- More mature
- Another shiori
- Green, purple and blue
- upgrade my gears
- learn more skills
- be more steady

Saturday, 1 January 2022

Questionable last day my doings.....

With yesterday have a trial cafe....
afternoon have a freaking phone call....
is not jobs....
is an agent....

I am quite annoyed how he talks.....
He may feel is nice.... but is not....
He got me an interview is the internship....

Do not blame me tho....
the email said is a freaking position.....
and ask freaking salaries....

Today, the interview day...
meet two people....
i am pretty curious about the freaking shit program...
is it a program or a position....

I think in the middle is good... begining is bad....
At the end, the intern ......
Am I ? I am so confuse......

Oh gosh....
I need to say sorry to that in my mind....
am i make him angry....
i am so confuse....
my nervous.... make my eyes turn red, faces too...
what.... am i doing....

After the interveiw....
I go to buy shoes.....
Dunno why I cant tie up the shoe laces.... 
took my 30 seconds....
it makes the salesperson laugh at me..... (not in front of me)
My head.... (saying wat the fk... rude shit)
the second one turn to normal....
wat the hell?

fricking fingers...


Shit year 2021....
