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Tuesday 25 February 2014

O.O uni free period will be my horror

I have a lesson at 9, 2pm have another lesson....
In between these two periods I may prefer to study... But the first week it doesnt have a lot of context to remember,
So the first thing i need to do is make friends with others....
Now i am in uni, i hope until the end of day I meet a friend

Monday 24 February 2014

Prepare for school~~

Tomorrow is my first day of my uni life....
Year 1 is a year that meet new friends...
I hope I can meet some amazing friends....
Playing, Going and parenting~~~

In my holiday, I went to a temple...
I make a wish....
Gal. gal ., gal~~~

So, I look forward tomorrow...
Dont let me disappoint~~...
my dream, my expect and myself~~~

Sunday 23 February 2014

That kind of report~~ = =

Welcome to silly news report~~~

Reporter: my name is Silly~~~..
               Today, I will report a man who called "k"...
               "k" heard about his high school classmate after HSC,
                his best friend "fatk" said to him something....

fatk: Haha, k , I met Crystal today.....
       She talked with me a lot and she glad to see me again...

Reporter: Maybe some audience didn't know that....
               k is fall in love Crystal before......
               Maybe fall in love her atmsphere or something!?
               While he heard Crystal...... maybe he will angry??

K: I dont like her now, she just annoying to me~~

k another friend "M": You guys talk in whatsapp, carefully I will screenshot what you are talking about~~

K: Nevermind..... its Nevereverland~~~

Yep, we introduce a song....  nano - Nevereverland~~

I cant maintance a relationship

Some friends,
I want to contact them, but too late....

In my own,
one on one.... is better for me....
While add more friends....
I cant handle it......

In a group....
I cant be a leader....
Teammates are not trust me....
~.~ Even my rank is higher than them....

Maybe I think....
I cant communicate with a group....
One on one is better....
The main reason is....
The topic is so complex...
Maybe I think the problem is just in online....
But I knew that....
That maybe not.....

In my real life....
Sometimes I cant one on one....
Somehow, I may turn serious tone~~~
With my "good" friends in some situation that will be fantastic...
But, my friends like to share their feelings to me....
also, they heard me too....

Some friends are gone,
I cant see them anymore....
They might give up....
I want them to come back....
Kilop and futakoi~~
I want to talk to you more~~~

These kind of thing, it happens every time~~~
Usually, a month per new friend,
also, will lost amount of friends....
In this week,
[Hebe] is my friend~~~
Whatever he continues that or not~~
Just keep going~~~~~~~

Some event it just happen accidentally....
In osu, I seldom play multiplayer~~
But, I will see some amazing players talk to me.....

continue my life~~~~~

Nisekoi~~ majikore

Team Onodera~~~
I play this game, because I like Onodera~~
On the other hand, Kirisaki is also awesome~~~
While she angry~~, that CV is amazing~~~~~

Now, I left 5 clothes in Onodera side that I didnt get it....
Need to work hard~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Saturday 22 February 2014

Kagerou Project: Lost time memory

No.7 Shintaro story....

With No.6 Ene, No.0


[Hebe] is my teacher

[Hebe] is my teacher~~...
He is a bad person, always angry with me....
say bad words to me, and try to X me....
Yep, he is my teacher~~~

If 3!!??

If I meet a Jap girl.....

One day, in uni....
I see a girl is nervous....
no friends around her, she is in o_o that face...
I see her a few second, she is sigh...
and talk about some non English sentence...
She's not Chinese, Korean, etc....
She is Japanese~~

Because I study Jap before...
And I know a bit of Japs...
so I brave up and talk to her.....
日本人ですか? ( Are you Japanese?)
She happy reply to me,  yes~~
She feels happy at that moment,
Her face shows her feeling in language struggling....
At that day, I use my bad Jap to communicate with her.....

Day after day, I got her address, personal details about her~~
We become a good friend to each other....
We play together, eat together, study together.....

At the end, one day, in my uni graduate....
She said: We can't.......

The end~~

I wont do this anymore~~

This is my osu post....
so, it is about osu~~~~~~~~~

When I first play osu, I just play with my classmate.....
Yep, he is the one who tell me what is osu.....
At the beginning, he always says osu this game...
But I ignore it.....
Until my Easter Holiday.....
I start to play osu.....

The reason why I play osu is...
I didn't play any online games....
That's why I'm a bit refuse to play game.....
At now,
my only one of online game ~~~ osu!

I play less than a month that I can pass 5 stars maps...
and play more......
At the process, I start to meet friends in osu.....
I find them in country....
Just like a hentai to search players....
Now, I wouldnt do that...
Just see a multiplayer is interesting in my mind...
I just add him/her without notice~~~

Then spectate them and talk to them~~~~~

Thursday 20 February 2014

How to meet friend in osu???

1. Look the list you wanted with....
2. Spectate him/her !?
3. Just watching!?
4. We are friends???

The end!?????

Usually, spectate him,
20% that they will ask you who are you?
Sometimes I just see some guy are cool in multiplayer and just spec them...
Good result to make friends....

But one case is we are mutual friends, but didnt talk to me....

Neko daibusou

Battle Cats...
I replay Battle cats...
I delete this game before....
Now I see that game is updated, so I play it again...

Another thing is...
I also play the game is in battle cats...
yep... I play these two games.....

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Kagerou Project: momo


The hell?


Lazy to talk

Now I have a mode is...
I lazy to talk....
Yesterday, Jessica talk to me....
what a big news...

She seldom talk to me first....
Of course, she ask some serious questions...
I feel angry about myself....
Why I always can't help her....
I need to work hard....

Also, in osu game....
I meet [Hebe] the day before yesterday...
I just spectate him, so he will talk!?
then talk.... finally mutual friend

The end

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Sym-phony everyday......

I want to sleep....
I lazy to type words....

April it will have some new anime in Japan.....
I look forward to the Kagerou Project.....
I like the story... and the characters are cool....
So I will watch that...

The other thing is ....
my schooling....
My first year go to Uni....
I hope I can meet a lot of Amazing friends.....

Today I don't have a lot of power to learn drive....
tired... don't know why....

Friday 14 February 2014

Wednesday 5 February 2014

A town where you live

Now I am reading a manga....
called A town where you live.....

Because I want to watch the anime...
I read the manga first....
When I ready to watch the first episode.....
just watch 1 min....
and said to myself....
I read 2 books of manga why it didnt show it.....

I search it on internet...
and found that is begin at the middle of the story....


Saturday 1 February 2014