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Sunday 23 February 2014

I cant maintance a relationship

Some friends,
I want to contact them, but too late....

In my own,
one on one.... is better for me....
While add more friends....
I cant handle it......

In a group....
I cant be a leader....
Teammates are not trust me....
~.~ Even my rank is higher than them....

Maybe I think....
I cant communicate with a group....
One on one is better....
The main reason is....
The topic is so complex...
Maybe I think the problem is just in online....
But I knew that....
That maybe not.....

In my real life....
Sometimes I cant one on one....
Somehow, I may turn serious tone~~~
With my "good" friends in some situation that will be fantastic...
But, my friends like to share their feelings to me....
also, they heard me too....

Some friends are gone,
I cant see them anymore....
They might give up....
I want them to come back....
Kilop and futakoi~~
I want to talk to you more~~~

These kind of thing, it happens every time~~~
Usually, a month per new friend,
also, will lost amount of friends....
In this week,
[Hebe] is my friend~~~
Whatever he continues that or not~~
Just keep going~~~~~~~

Some event it just happen accidentally....
In osu, I seldom play multiplayer~~
But, I will see some amazing players talk to me.....

continue my life~~~~~

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