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Sunday 23 February 2014

That kind of report~~ = =

Welcome to silly news report~~~

Reporter: my name is Silly~~~..
               Today, I will report a man who called "k"...
               "k" heard about his high school classmate after HSC,
                his best friend "fatk" said to him something....

fatk: Haha, k , I met Crystal today.....
       She talked with me a lot and she glad to see me again...

Reporter: Maybe some audience didn't know that....
               k is fall in love Crystal before......
               Maybe fall in love her atmsphere or something!?
               While he heard Crystal...... maybe he will angry??

K: I dont like her now, she just annoying to me~~

k another friend "M": You guys talk in whatsapp, carefully I will screenshot what you are talking about~~

K: Nevermind..... its Nevereverland~~~

Yep, we introduce a song....  nano - Nevereverland~~

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