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Tuesday 25 March 2014

A person feel...

Today I have a same life in my daily,
I go to uni by train...

I need to say is,
I see a girl who is Chinese?
I heard from her,
She looks like a  teacher.....
Of course, she is talking with a person....
That person is a previous student!?

That teacher take my attention,
Not only she is Chinese, but also her voice....
That voice looks like my classmate in my high school....
Also, her apprience  is also as good as some others.....
Actually, her voice is like Crystall Wu voice....
That voice is .....
I can't explain that.....

Their conversation is around her school
Revesby public school?
She also teaches up to year 10

She said she didn't go to school yesterday,
She gets a warning from school..
The student said to her;
That's weirded ....

Yep, I heard their conversation after,
I need to get off the train.

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