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Monday 3 March 2014

Jessi, Jessica~ 1

From my uni week,
my first day up to now....
is a week.....
I am bullshiting...

4 March is the other week for my challenge~~~
More more friend.....

One of my silly thing is.....
This year, I went to Japan for holiday....
I go to a temple...

Somebody may know what it is...
That is a temple in Kyoto
The name is.......

In this week, I just message her in afternnon...
when I at school....
I talk to her just some silly questions...
all the time, all the time....
like do u hv friends? , timetable, free time ?
These questions just ask her...
And go further.....
I ask her where do u live that kind of question...
This should be ask in Highschool.....
Until now...
I know she is not live in Hurstville....

Very sad, very sad.....
I am feel nervous about ask this question...
I ask can I go to yr home.....
that kind of question.....
I want to go to her home...

I want to bring Jessica home~~

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