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Tuesday 4 March 2014

Introduce: Kagerou Project

Firstly I tell who are they~~~
Left to right
No.4 Mary, No.5 Momo, No.7 Shintaro, No.6 Ene, No.2 Seto, No.1 kedo, No.3 Kano
No. 8 Hibiya, No. 9 Konoha

No.0 ....... ( blank)

This story is amazing good....
So please all guy watch this anime in April.....
I know that April have many anime is much more attractive than this one...
But this storyline is not bad......

This is Kagerou Project, which release some music by VOCALOID...
composed by jin..... sometimes someone will come IA project

This story of the point of view is No.7 Shintaro.....
Yeah, the number is reflect to join this group - mekakushidan!? I spell it right?
So, Shintaro is the main view, his point will see all the event what happen....
In this group, everyone have their special ability....
Except Shintaro.......
But, at the end, he will have.....
At now, nobody knows what his ability....
Just wait for the novel release~~~

If someone didnt read the story, manga or MV,
it may confuse a bit.....
Because the story is repeating the timeline in 7th Augest
I think every member have die once.....
Whatever, I'm not too sure....

Just watch it....

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