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Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Maybe I love Jessica!?

O.O for my whole life.....
All the guys who know me, I have describe Jessica before... 155384 小k的故事1-4
Whatever, I will retell about Jessica....

I am a shy boy, I seldom talk with people....
Now.... my mum is watching Australian got talent....
o.o" Anyway..... later I will talk about my family...

Jessica and me....
Our conversation at the beginning to the end is O.O > 0.0 > o.o .....
This was a sad ending......

At the beginning, I saw her on facebook when it was very night...
but she didn't sleep....
so, this was my first time talk to her...
On the other day, she just wave her hands and say hi to me....
At that moment, I think this is a good start of relationship....
Day by day, I always have a conversation with her in facebook,
at school just say hi.....
Our record is non-stop conversation in 2 hours....
At that moment, I was exciting......
But now, maybe HSC is coming....
Her conversation have intervals that makes me feel unhappy,
Also, she usually just use one word conversation to talk to me... T.T
I.... I don't know what to do.....

In the conversation, I must be the one who talk first...
because, if you don't do that, no one will chat with you forever....
The situation is,
I always talk about some bullshit things...
because I don't know what I need to say...
FFF, Follow and Foolish....
I usually do these....
In my conversation, I have her mobile phone.....
I was happy that someone will be my friend in my tutor(my brain)...
But, real world is........

I think I didn't ask some bullshit things....
But she always refuse me....
"Yes, I need to sleep now"
Always like that....
Did she hate me..? because when she talk with me she will =.= that kind of face..
While I ask some specific hobbies or like that...
She just answer it generally....

Until I need to listen to her friends conversation to know more about her....
In honestly, that was not tired.... but someone will say me weird...
Almost the whole school called Shirley tell me weird...
That's true.... 100% true....
She will not see this post....

My "friends" told me that,
my worse thing is...
my conversation will tell other girls name.....
Someone may think why you need to mention this gal...

In Jessica conversation, I do that....
It is accidentally, not I really do it...

While she always =.= to me....
I need to =.= to her....
=.= is make sense to me...
Whatever, I had a position of her in that kind of emotion =.=
only me....

O.O me......

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